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The signing and launching ceremony of the textile industry transformation and upgrading of the Yangtze River Zhongda Commercial Circle was successfully held

Release date:2019-07-31

Background introduction:

The strategic transformation and upgrading project of the textile industry in the Yangtze River Zhongda Commercial Circle is a major enterprise transformation strategy for Guangzhou Changjiang Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. to follow the transfer of functions of Guangzhou to promote non-central urban areas and realize the concept of “old town, new vitality”. The Yangtze River Enterprise Group clarifies the planning orientation and strategic objectives of the enterprise, and forms a symbol of the transformation and upgrading of the industrial operation strategy with international vision, industrial height and theoretical depth.

The project aims to promote the transformation of the textile industry and promote the development of local regional economy, making the textile industry of Zhongda Business Circle an iconic business card for the domestic fashion industry.

On the afternoon of May 14, 2019, Guangzhou Changjiang Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. held a signing ceremony and launching ceremony for the textile industry business strategy transformation and promotion of Zhongda Business Circle in the conference room on the ninth floor of the headquarters of Changjiang Enterprise Group. Mr. Wei Ning, Vice President of the Group, Professor Wang Xianqing, President of the Guangdong Business Economics Association, Ms. Dai Xiaoxia, General Manager of Guangzhou Panzhi Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., and 18 representatives of the three parties and experts attended the signing ceremony.

The ceremony was hosted by Mr. Sun Xiushu, the general manager of the China Textile Business District. Mr. Sun welcomed the team of Professor Wang and Dai and his party, and introduced the leaders, experts and representatives of the parties attending the ceremony.

Mr. Wei Ning, Vice President of the Group, delivered a speech on behalf of the Group. In recent years, the State has vigorously established the guidelines and policies of Dawan District. The government departments have put forward clear transformation and upgrading requirements for the development of professional markets, and the environment for industrial development and operation has produced new Variety. Professor Wang Xianqing and the team of experts have been working on the development of commercial real estate in Guangdong for many years. They have very rich experience and are authoritative experts in commercial real estate development strategy and industrial planning. They have a keen insight into government policies and industry development trends. We hope that through cooperation with Professor Wang's team, the Group will effectively promote the Group's first comprehensive implementation of transformation and upgrading in the Zhongda Business Circle. Through strategic adjustment and innovation, the Group will embark on a new development path through the government, the media, the public, and customers. Communication will enable the company's brand image and development orientation to be greatly improved, realize the restructuring of the industry chain system, supply chain system and value chain system of the group, and embark on a new path of independent innovation in the market, so that the group becomes a professional in Guangzhou. A model of market transformation and innovation and innovation!

Professor Wang Xianqing, president of the Guangdong Business Economics Association, said in a speech that after our practice research, we learned that the textile city of Zhongda Commercial Circle has an important position and influence in the textile professional market in Guangzhou. Therefore, we want to combine the Yangtze River Enterprise Group. Practice, use more advanced theories to enrich the practice, extract higher brand value, enhance the brand image of the company, and combine some of our own advantages and the resources of the government's long-term cooperation consultants to do a good job in the role of bridges and explore together. A new model path and long-term strategy will be launched to effectively promote the implementation of the transformation and upgrading of the textile industry market in Zhongda Business Circle, bringing more value to our urban development and industry development.

Under the witness of the tripartite representatives, the solemn signing ceremony went smoothly. Mr. Wei Ning, Vice President of the Group, Professor Wang Xianqing, President of the Guangdong Provincial Business Economics Association, and Ms. Dai Xiaoxia, General Manager of Guangzhou Panzhi Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., signed the contract as the signing representative.

Sun Xiushu, general manager of China Textiles Business Circle, introduced the generalization, business combination and future development planning of the textile industry management strategy transformation and upgrading project of Zhongda Business Circle, and followed up the post-investigation process, and related to the project promotion. Work requires communication and coordination of matters coordinated by various markets, projects and departments, and expectations for the results and arrangements of the project.

He said that at present, the Guangzhou Municipal Government has focused on promoting the Pearl River New City, the International Financial City, and the Pazhou Three-legged, and wants to form the "Golden Triangle" for Guangzhou's development and incorporate it into the "Guangshen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Plan." Haizhu District has also recently released “Several Measures for Accelerating the Construction of Innovative Island in Haizhu District of Guangzhou” to inject high-quality development and new kinetic energy into the “new vitality of the old city” and “new color”. At the same time, mobilize the innovative resources of the leading universities in Guangzhou. We will do a good job in transforming and innovating achievements, guiding the transformation and upgrading of the textile business circle of Zhongda, promoting the development of high-end formats such as product R&D and fashion release, and squeezing low-end production capacity with high-end increments to guide the transformation and upgrading of the professional market.
Zhongda Business Circle has experienced brilliant and rapid development in the past 30 years and is now being affected by the downturn of the international and domestic economies. At the beginning of 2019, Chairman Zhao of the Group was keenly aware of the crisis and turnaround, and quickly established the 3-5-year business strategy planning leading group of the Zhongda Business Circle, demanding the development direction, development mode and development of the various professional markets of the Group's Zhongda Business Circle. The goal is to conduct rigorous, serious, objective and serious research, and invite Professor Wang Xianqing to form a team of experts to effectively promote the “Strategic Transformation and Upgrade Plan for the Textile Industry Management of Zhongda Business Circle” with high level, high quality and scientific. The circle took the lead in fully implementing the transformation and upgrading.

Finally, the Group hired Professor Wang Xianqing as the economic consultant for the transformation and upgrading of the textile industry management strategy of the Yangtze River Zhongda Commercial Circle, and Mr. Wei Ning, Vice President, on behalf of the group, awarded Professor Wang the letter of appointment and plaque.
The successful signing ceremony of the transformation and upgrading of the textile industry management strategy of the Yangtze River Zhongda Commercial Circle will enable the Group to restructure its decentralized brand resources, elements and actions, and rise to the strategic height of rational development, effectively promoting the Group's business in China. The circle took the lead in fully implementing the transformation and upgrading, which enabled the Zhongda Business Circle to embark on a new development path through strategic adjustment and innovation, and inject vitality into the future diversification of the Group, making the Group a benchmark brand enterprise!