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Breaking the solidification idea and firming the determination of reform - Junjie Group Engineering System Reform Launch Conference was successfully held

In order to consolidate the management foundation, standardize the operating standards of the engineering system, and drive the fundamental reform of the engineering system, on the evening of September 4, Junjie Group held the engineering system reform meeting, the group cost management departme...

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The signing and launching ceremony of the textile industry transformation and upgrading of the Yangtze River Zhongda Commercial Circle was successfully held

Background introduction: The strategic transformation and upgrading project of the textile industry in the Yangtze River Zhongda Commercial Circle is a major enterprise transformation strategy for Guangzhou Changjiang Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. to follow the transfer of functions o...

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Team building|Jinma clothing city trade union group building activity show

In order to further enhance the team's cohesiveness and sense of belonging, on June 15th and 16th, the Trade Union Committee of Guangzhou Jinma Garment Trading City Co., Ltd. organized employees to carry out the “Do not forget the initial heart, unite and forge ahead, gather...

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Picking up gold is not a warm heart, and promoting the West West Energy

On July 9th, the West Market received a banner from the foreign friend, Ms. SUSAN, entitled “Good Service and Due Diligence”. Thanks to Huang Jinning, the property manager of the West Market, and the noble character of the staff. It is reported that on the afternoon of June 27, Zhou Lunguo,...

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