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Breaking the solidification idea and firming the determination of reform - Junjie Group Engineering System Reform Launch Conference was successfully held

Release date:2019-09-25

In order to consolidate the management foundation, standardize the operating standards of the engineering system, and drive the fundamental reform of the engineering system, on the evening of September 4, Junjie Group held the engineering system reform meeting, the group cost management department, the engineering management department, the operation management department, and the human resources administration department. The heads of various market segments and the relevant management personnel of the Engineering Department and the Property Department attended the meeting to jointly study and discuss the future path of engineering system reform.



At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Wei Ning, the general manager of the group, first affirmed that the employees of the company made an irreplaceable contribution to the development of the company group through hard work. At the same time, it also pointed out that under the glamorous surface, there are still many problems in the engineering system, and some problems have been Reaching the bottom line of security has made some market security risks. Therefore, today's meeting is imminent in the harsh environment of internal diplomacy. I hope that everyone can seriously understand the purpose of the meeting, absorb the intention of the meeting, and make up their minds to realize the project fundamentally. Systematic reform.



The meeting was hosted by Ms. Fu Lirong, Director of the Group's Cost Management Department and Head of the Engineering Management Department. Fu Zong combined with the current stage of the project system, from the purpose of the reform, the status quo of the engineering system, the ideas and methods of reform, and the norms and The seven aspects of the standard are explained, and through a series of typical cases, the pain points of the current engineering system reform are revealed, including the defects of management and frequent loopholes, the ambiguous powers of the functional departments, and the long-term “heavy marketing and light management” habits. The market engineer's business quality level is not matched, and the incentives are not in place. At the same time, the reform ideas and methods are also proposed: leaders at all levels should grasp the engineering reform with the determination to break the boat; recognize the situation and unify the thinking; Effective management tools for performance and incentives; changing the status of low-quality personnel and low professional standards.


In response to the market case, Mr. Liang Dongsheng of the Group Engineering Management Department pointed out the seriousness of the existing problems in the engineering system, and realized that as one of the responsible persons, he should make deep thinking and reflection, and emphasize the need to lead by example and follow the reform. In addition, according to the content of this meeting, the market personnel will be fully instilled and trained, and implemented, supervised, inspected, assessed and accepted according to the plan.


Mr. Yang Laiyang, Group Operations Management Department also made a sharing speech. Mr. Yang stressed that there are so many problems in the market, which are closely related to the work of the Operations Management Department. They should make in-depth reflection and review. In addition, they also pointed out that engineering system reform is all The major event of man is urgently reformed. It is imperative to completely change the mind and raise awareness. It is imperative for the group to go all out.



Subsequently, Mr. Yan Shanyong of the Group Risk Control Department delivered a speech. The pain point of the previous engineering system problems is that the three “can't keep up”. First, the level of management cannot keep up with the growth rate of the market sector expansion; second, the problem of “re-marketing and light management” is more prominent; the third is engineering technology. The professional level of personnel is insufficient. Mr. Zong stressed that the risk control management department will supervise the whole process of reform, play the responsibility of supervision and supervision, ensure the smooth progress of the entire engineering system reform, and achieve the reform goal of “basic foundation, management norms, high efficiency, and safety and integrity”.



At the end of the meeting, General Wei summarized the engineering system reform meeting. Through six key words: "Ideas, Determination, Standards, Attitudes, Learning, and Solidification", Mr. Wei summed up the core of the conference in a concise manner, and also shared the story of "Indian Elephant Domestication", which profoundly pointed out the current status of work must be In order to change, we must not only have the courage to survive in the face of adversity, but also have the conviction to emancipate our minds, change our mindset, and refrain from giving up our goals! Finally, General Wei proposed that the reform must "listen to its words, observe its actions, and see its results." It is hoped that leaders at all levels should lead by example, take the lead in changing their concepts, reform their problems, and achieve practical results. All personnel must actively participate and work together to reform. Do it well! Reform is the means, not the purpose, and it is the kingly way to always grasp it! Let us work together to complete the attack and lay the foundation for the company's standardized management! ! !