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Ignite hope, pass on warmth - stand west market offer love donation activities

Dedicating love, igniting hope and passing warmth. A few days ago, Jinshun Garment City, the western market of Junjie Group, donated a batch of children's clothing to the mineral spring street office “Mineral Street Love House” to provide a care and warmth for the children in difficulty. ...

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Fire drills | Practical combat, full participation, cherish life, stay away from fire

        n order to improve the company's emergency management mechanism, enhance employees' awareness of fire safety, improve their organization and processing capabilities for fire fighting, and protect the company's property and employees' personal safety, t...

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Goddess, happy holidays!

  On March 8th, the Goddess Festival, this is a festival dedicated to the “half the sky”. Here, I wish the goddess happy holidays with the most sincere feelings!   Today, Junjie Group carries out the Goddess Festival care activities, offering carefully prepared...

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Yuanxiao FestivalFUN

  February 19, 2019 is the 15th day of the lunar calendar. In the last important festival of the Chinese New Year, the Junjie Group headquarters and various markets have presented a wonderful plan for the employees. Lantern Festival activities. Gro...

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