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Ignite hope, pass on warmth - stand west market offer love donation activities

Release date:2019-07-11

Dedicating love, igniting hope and passing warmth. A few days ago, Jinshun Garment City, the western market of Junjie Group, donated a batch of children's clothing to the mineral spring street office “Mineral Street Love House” to provide a care and warmth for the children in difficulty.

The charity event was initiated by the Customer Service Department of the West Market. They visited the major children's clothing stores in Jinshun Clothing City and encouraged the shops to donate appropriate clothing and shoes to raise 123 sets of children's clothing and 23 pairs of children's shoes. On the day of the donation, Ma Huancheng, the head of the customer service department of the West Market, donated the love clothes and shoes raised by Jinshun Garment City to the “Mineral Street Love House”, and the love materials printed with “KINSUN Jinshun” were neatly arranged. Place it in the "Love Station".

Lin Guangning, deputy director of the Mineral Springs Office, Wang Wei, Yao Ping, and the head of the Civil Affairs Department, participated in this meaningful moment. Lin Guangning, deputy director of the Mineral Springs Office, expressed sincere gratitude for the donation of the Jinshun Garment City in the West Market. He also called for more individuals and caring companies to participate in community charity activities to build a harmonious society.

All along, Junjie Group adheres to the corporate tenet of “creating wealth and returning to society”. While growing and growing, it always pays attention to charity and social responsibility. The donation activity of the West Market in the station is fully reflected in the corporate purpose of Junjie Group. In the future, the West Market will continue to practice the corporate purpose of Junjie Group, enhance the sense of social responsibility, and establish a brand image of the company, which is the brand of Junjie Group. Contribution to the development and development of social welfare undertakings.