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Fire drills | Practical combat, full participation, cherish life, stay away from fire

Release date:2019-07-12

        n order to improve the company's emergency management mechanism, enhance employees' awareness of fire safety, improve their organization and processing capabilities for fire fighting, and protect the company's property and employees' personal safety, the principle of prevention and prevention is combined with the emergency. In principle, on May 31, the Junjie Group headquarters organized employees to carry out fire emergency evacuation drills.

Walkthrough process

At 9:15 in the morning, the fire monitoring center found the fire, immediately launched the emergency plan, organized personnel to carry out the fire, and evacuated all personnel. At 9:25, the evacuation of personnel, the completion of the count, no casualties, the fire announced the release.

The fire control room found the fire and organized the fire

(Evacuation personnel to the first floor square)

Not only does the Group's headquarters attach importance to fire safety, but markets also attach great importance to fire safety. On the afternoon of May 22, the Golden Horse Clothing Trading City launched a fire drill.

(Discover the fire, quickly cut off the power)

(Fire fighting teamControl the fire point and spray water to save