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Picking up gold is not a warm heart, and promoting the West West Energy

Release date:2019-07-17

On July 9th, the West Market received a banner from the foreign friend, Ms. SUSAN, entitled “Good Service and Due Diligence”. Thanks to Huang Jinning, the property manager of the West Market, and the noble character of the staff.

It is reported that on the afternoon of June 27, Zhou Lunguo, the duty manager of the Station West Market Property Department, found a suitcase when he was cleaning up the on-site cargo on the first floor of the Guangzhou Southern International Watch City. After many inquiries, no one claimed it, so he was reported to be on duty. Zhang Yong, the administrator, temporarily placed the suitcase in the monitoring room under the direction of the senior administrator on duty.
On the morning of June 28, property director Huang Jinning received a phone call from the mineral police station. The police station of the police station informed the property manager. On June 27, Ms. SUSAN, a foreign friend, lost a suitcase in the Southern International Watch City and asked if the West Market was found or picked up. trunk. After reviewing the details, the property manager checked the relevant information with the police station of the police station and confirmed that the suitcase managed by Zhang Yong was the suitcase lost by Ms. SUSAN.
In the afternoon, Ms. SUSAN, accompanied by the police station of the police station, came to Guangzhou Nanfang International Watch City to collect her suitcase and excitedly thanked the market property management staff.

On July 9th, Ms. SUSAN specially entrusted the personnel of the mineral police station to send the banner, praising the noble character of the people in the station west market.

It is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation to pick up the money. This matter fully reflects the noble moral quality and work spirit of the staff in the station west market. It shows the excellent service quality of Junjie people with practical actions. The station west market will continue to transmit the positive energy of the society and add to the building of a harmonious street. .