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Deepen comprehensive management, promote upgrading and transformation, and the medium and large cloth market presents new vitality in the old business circle

Release date:2019-07-10

Golden Sheep News reporter Li Huankun reports:On May 30, 2019 China (Guangdong) College Fashion Week came to an end in Guangzhou International Textile City, and future designers from 33 universities were on this stage. Showcasing creativity and inspiration, young new ideas, cutting-edge new market demands, and new international trends can be blended and collided here.

Guangzhou International Textile City is just a microcosm of the butterfly market in the Zhongda cloth market. Since last year, Haizhu District has taken the opportunity of sweeping away evil and eliminating evil. It has strengthened the comprehensive rectification of the Zhongda cloth market and the surrounding urban villages. With fire protection, illegal construction and traffic management as the starting point, we constantly optimize the market business environment and accelerate the cultivation of international New formats such as trade, exhibition economy, e-commerce platform, design and R&D, etc., helped the Zhongda cloth market to show new vitality in the old business circle.

Action 1: Fragmented courtyard management

Zhongda Cloth Market is located in Ruikang Road, Haizhu District, with a range of about 1.5 square kilometers. There are 59 sub-markets, which gather about 300,000 floating population and more than 30,000 textile and accessory processing enterprises and garment manufacturing enterprises. Recently, the reporter visited the Zhongda cloth market and came to Ruikang Road. The traffic control post of the traffic control post waved the small red flag. The pedestrians on the road rushed, the vehicles followed, and the pedestrians and vehicles were in order.

The migrant workers who work in the market said that Ruikang Road used to be used for nearly half an hour, and it was a big problem to work in Zhongdabu City. Even a well-served network car would rather cancel the order and cancel the order. The car will adjust the line every afternoon and detour. Now, this section of the road is much smoother, usually 10 minutes or so can pass.

These are inseparable from the fragmented courtyard management of “street guidance + villager (market) autonomy + fee management”. It is reported that through the busy sections of the business district and the entrances and exits of the villages, the security guard posts, entrances and exits, video surveillance and other hardware are uniformly set up. Residents respond to the traffic in a more orderly manner. Mr. Cheng, a hospital management officer, said that since the implementation of the courtyard, the vehicles collided. The lack of disputes, the implementation of 24-hour duty patrols also significantly improved the security environment, residents and shops have praised.

Action 2: Renovate fire hazards and remove illegal buildings

The reporter transferred from Xinxi West Road to Fengkang Road and found a gantry height limit at the intersection. The relevant person in charge of the Zhongda Management Committee said that at this intersection, the vehicles were queued every afternoon. The traffic congestion caused inconvenience to the citizens. The more important hidden danger was that once a fire broke out in the installation, the fire vehicles could not pass quickly. The consequences could be disastrous.

Since last year, Haizhu District has made efforts to create a “5-minute pass” and “10-minute round-trip” strict pipeline. By setting up the gantry, it has restricted the passage of a number of oversized large trucks. This is a concrete measure to ease the congestion by improving the infrastructure.

In addition, various departments of Haizhu District strengthened linkages. In 2018, the fire protection group of key areas of fire hazards in the Zhongda cloth market was established. A total of 32,000 inspections of various types of sites were conducted, and 19,000 fire hazards were rectified. 41 cases were investigated and investigated. 212 hidden danger sites, urged the market to dismantle and rectify the illegal construction that hinders the "life passage", such as changing the function of use, occupying the fire separation interval, blocking the fire passage, affecting the rescue and rescue, and dismantled the commercial circle by about 220,000 square meters.

Action 3: Cultivate new business forms in the business circle, and implement the whole village reconstruction in the surrounding urban villages

According to reports, many representative enterprises in the business circle are currently discussing the establishment of the China International Innovation Valley Textile (or Textile) Industry Federation, relying on the horizontal linkage and integration of the Federation to foster international trade, exhibition economy, headquarters economy, electricity. New formats such as business platform, design and development, etc., to accelerate the industrial restructuring and innovation and development of the business circle.

The surrounding villages around the Zhongda cloth market are not willing to remain unchanged. In March last year, the Zhongda International Innovation Valley Launching Park, located in the Kangluo District of Fenghe United Society, was unveiled under the witness of the leaders of Sun Yat-sen University and Haizhu District Government, which kicked off the renovation of the old village and industrial transformation in the surrounding urban villages. In January of this year, the University of Science and Technology Xunfei Artificial Intelligence Industrial Park opened its operation. More than 30 companies have entered the market, and the effect of innovation and agglomeration has gradually emerged. In April, Fenghe Lianshe Recreation Village, Lujiang Village and Hesheng Chuangzhan Group signed an agreement on the intention to renovate the old village. According to the assumption, Leisure and Lujiang Village will rely on the advantages of Zhongda International Innovation Valley to start the park, rely on Sun Yat-sen University and other well-known brand resources, introduce high-tech industries, create high-end gathering areas, and achieve a win-win situation for the collective economic and environmental quality of the village.

It is understood that the work of the renovation of the old village of Wufeng Lianshe is also progressing at the same time. At present, the measurement of home ownership has been completed, waiting for the organization to review. The relevant person in charge of Wufeng Lianhe said that Wufeng Village can be said to be the first village to build a cloth field in this area. In recent years, many villagers have heard that the government wants to make this piece into the Zhongda International Innovation Valley. Everyone hopes to take this opportunity to realize the win-win situation of increasing the collective economic efficiency and improving the environmental quality of the village through the transformation of the old village, and also contribute to the planning of the Zhongda International Innovation Valley.

(Image courtesy of respondents)