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Xingjiao Aids and Broadcasting Love

First, the Yangtze River Poverty Alleviation Fund

Our group set up a poverty alleviation fund in the Haizhu District Charity Association. From 2012 to 2031, we donated 1 million yuan each year for 20 consecutive years, providing a total of 20 million yuan of charitable donations.

Second, Lufeng City Yangtze River Aid (Scholarship) Fund

Our group has established the “Wukan School Yangtze River Scholarship and Student Aid Fund” at Wukan School. From 2012 to 2021, we donated 500,000 yuan each year for 10 consecutive years, and accumulated 5 million yuan of charitable aid donations. In 2016, in order to benefit more poor students, our group expanded the scope of funding to benefit the poor students in the entire Lufeng area. The fund has now been renamed as “Lufeng City Changjiang Aid (Scholarship) Fund”.

Three, Sun Yat-Sen University Scholarships and Scholarships

From 2006 to 2015, for 10 consecutive years, donate 400,000 yuan to Zhongda Law School and Zhongda University of Government, and provide 4 million yuan of charitable aid donations; from 2013 to 2015 to 3 consecutive years to Zhongda Xinhua The college donates 100,000 yuan each year and provides a total of 300,000 yuan in charitable aid donations.

4. Guanzhou Village Scholarship

In order to help the children of the poor families in Guanzhou Village successfully complete their studies, our group has donated 200,000 yuan of scholarships to Guanzhou Village since 2005 to help them solve practical difficulties.