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2019 Lantern Festival

Release date:2019-07-10

  February 19, 2019 is the 15th day of the lunar calendar. In the last important festival of the Chinese New Year, the Junjie Group headquarters and various markets have presented a wonderful plan for the employees. Lantern Festival activities.

Group Headquarters: Happy and festive  

  In the headquarters of Junjie Group, the Human Resources Administration Department organized a special “Yuanxiao Joy Club” for colleagues. In this happy garden party, the employees teamed up to guess riddles, make lanterns, top dumplings, write blessings... It’s a great day, and I’ve won a lot of gifts through the game, and I’m happy with the happiness and the benefits.

Various markets: happy reunion

  The Lantern Festival events held by the Junjie Group's major markets vary according to their own site conditions, but they are all joyful and warm.

  Is the Lantern Festival of Junjie Group interesting? I hope that you will see your figure in the coming year.