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Guangzhou Jinma Clothing Trade City Group Building Activities

Release date:2019-07-10

In order to further enhance the team's cohesiveness and sense of belonging, on June 15th and 16th, the Trade Union Committee of Guangzhou Jinma Garment Trading City Co., Ltd. organized employees to carry out the “Do not forget the initial heart, unite and forge ahead, gather together and win-win” group building activities.

The collective training of the team pays attention to the overall situation and cultivates the collective consciousness. Everyone moves and exercises neatly and neatly.

Under the guidance of the coach, everyone carried out the shooting activities in an orderly manner, aimed at the target, and dared to launch, only to achieve good results.

The reality CS is a sense of teamwork. The whole team was divided into two teams to compete against each other. Under the guidance of the coach, the fierce competition started, which tempered the team's will and improved the team's cohesiveness and combat effectiveness.

At the end of the event, everyone became a "chef" and began to compete in cooking, firing, washing vegetables, killing fish, cooking, and working together. A plate of delicious dishes was put on the table. Through cooking competition, employees were trained. Teamwork and mutual support for teamwork have improved communication.

The union's group building activities demonstrated the good spirit and teamwork ability of Jinma Clothing Trade City employees through team interaction, and strengthened the cooperation, communication and coordination assistance between employees. I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone. , Jinma clothing trading city will be better and better!